charles f. ploeger
American politician, US
(b. 1870)
leo ploeger
Dutch official and top-level functionary (1930-2013), NL
(b. 1930)
heiko ploeger
(b. 1898)
ferdinand ploeger
Dutch resistance fighter during the Second World War, NL
(b. 1915)
pieter lambertus ploeger
university teacher, NL
(b. 1916)
michiel ploeger
(b. 1918)
roland ploeger
German composer, DE
(b. 1928)
andreas ploeger
(b. 1926)
jan ploeger
Dutch creator, NL
(b. 1949)
friedrich wilhelm ploeger
German aviator, retirement and career soldier, DE
(b. 1949)
pieter ploeger
Dutch painter, NL
(b. 1951)
dick ploeger
Dutch association football player, NL
(b. 1954)
kurt ploeger
player of American football, US
(b. 1962)
katherine ploeger
(b. 1955)
joanna s. ploeger
(b. 1967)