gaio ofonio tigellino
Roman praetorian prefect (AD c.10-69), IT
(b. 10)
gaio musonio rufo
1st century AD Roman Stoic philosopher, IT
(b. 25)
gaio valerio flacco
1st-century Roman poet and writer, IT
(b. 45)
gaio calpurnio pisone
Roman senator and conspirator against Nero (died 65 AD), IT
(b. 50)
gaio giulio giovenale
politician, IT
(b. 50)
gaio fufio gemino
1st century AD Roman senator and ally of the empress Livia, the mother of Tiberius, IT
(b. 50)
gaio cecina largo
Roman politician, consul 42, IT
(b. 50)
gaio anicio ceriale
1st century AD Roman senator and consul, IT
(b. 50)
gaio ottavio
father of emperor Augustus. Roman general, praetor in 61 BC, praefectus propraetor in Macedonia in 60-59 BC, IT
(b. 100)
gaio elvidio prisco
Roman philosopher and statesman, IT
(b. 50)
gaio avidio nigrino
late 1st/early 2nd century Roman senator and consul, IT
(b. 50)
gaio calpurnio pisone crasso frugi liciniano
late 1st /early 2nd century Roman senator, consul and conspirator, IT
(b. 50)
gaio elvidio prisco
suffect consul 87 AD, IT
(b. 55)
gaio cornelio miniciano
(b. 50)
gaio cassio parmense
1st century BC Roman politician and writer, IT
(b. 74)