dobos mihály
Hungarian journalist (1624-1684), HU
(b. 1624)
dobos istván
Hungarian priest (1753-1831), HU
(b. 1753)
dobos jános
Hungarian priest (1804-1887), HU
(b. 1804)
dobos c. józsef
english pastrycook, HU
(b. 1847)
dobos dániel
(1830-1865) journalist, poet, HU
(b. 1830)
dobos jános
Hungarian acrhivist, HU
(b. 1844)
dobos lajos
Hungarian journalist, HU
(b. 1847)
dobos istván
(b. 1892)
ferenc dobos
(b. 1881)
dobos tas lászló
Hungarian poet and philosopher (1947-2021), HU
(b. 1947)
dobos lászló
Hungarian economist, HU
(b. 1952)
dobos károly
Hungarian reformed pastor, missionary (1902-2004), HU
(b. 1902)
karoly dobos
association football player (1903-1971)
(b. 1903)
dobos istván
literary historian, critic and university teacher, HU
(b. 1957)
dobos annie
actor, HU
(b. 1908)