Names distinctive to Italy

The list of names unique to the Republic of Italy*

Female forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Anna 24% 1.
2. Francesca 86% 2.
3. Giuseppina 98% 5.
4. Giovanna 59% 3.
5. Patrizia 95% 7.
6. Antonella 84% 6.
7. Paola 32% 4.
8. Caterina 92% 11.
9. Stefania 79% 10.
10. Chiara 89% 14.
11. Antonietta 90% 16.
12. Carmela 49% 8.
13. Giulia 77% 13.
14. Concetta 92% 17.
15. Elisabetta 99% 22.
16. Federica 92% 21.
17. Giuseppa 98% 23.
18. Grazia 97% 24.
19. Tiziana 97% 25.
20. Franca 58% 18.
21. Margherita 96% 26.
22. Alessandra 30% 9.
23. Michela 92% 27.
24. Cinzia 97% 31.
25. Alessia 94% 30.

Male forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Giuseppe 97% 1.
2. Francesco 97% 2.
3. Giovanni 89% 3.
4. Luigi 95% 5.
5. Vincenzo 97% 9.
6. Salvatore 92% 7.
7. Paolo 94% 8.
8. Domenico 97% 13.
9. Alessandro 71% 11.
10. Angelo 63% 10.
11. Stefano 95% 16.
12. Pietro 90% 15.
13. Marco 36% 6.
14. Massimo 98% 18.
15. Mario 23% 4.
16. Carlo 78% 17.
17. Giorgio 98% 21.
18. Luca 84% 19.
19. Maurizio 98% 23.
20. Michele 41% 12.
21. Pasquale 92% 27.
22. Nicola 59% 22.
23. Daniele 98% 28.
24. Franco 29% 14.
25. Davide 97% 30.


NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Rossi 57% 1.
2. Ditta 95% 3.
3. Russo 57% 2.
4. Esposito 70% 4.
5. Ferrari 50% 5.
6. Individuale 100% 9.
7. Bianchi 58% 6.
8. Colombo 61% 8.
9. Ricci 61% 10.
10. Greco 58% 12.
11. Romano 28% 7.
12. Conti 58% 15.
13. Mancini 62% 17.
14. Giordano 46% 14.
15. Rizzo 52% 16.
16. Lombardi 57% 18.
17. Ferrara 63% 22.
18. Moretti 60% 21.
19. Santoro 60% 23.
20. Caruso 51% 19.
21. Gallo 30% 13.
22. Barbieri 56% 24.
23. Galli 63% 30.
24. Fontana 47% 20.
25. Marino 24% 11.

Distinctive names in
the related** countries

Argentina 31%
Greece 27%
Mexico 26%
San Marino 23%
Uruguay 20%
Nicaragua 18%
Brazil 17%
Peru 12%

*The rank of the unique name is the geometric average of the name uniqueness and the name prevalence in the respective country. Name uniqueness is measured only by the exact grapheme form (not taking into account transliterational equivalents or phonetic similarities).

** Country similarity is the correlation of the relative frequency of the names shared by two countries (as measured by cosine similarity).