john joseph thompkins
American clergyman, US
(b. 1867)
william h. thompkins
United States Army Medal of Honor recipient, US
(b. 1872)
william j. thompkins
American physician, activist and politician, US
(b. 1884)
george w. thompkins
American Union soldier during Civil War
(b. 1841)
william r. thompkins
American actor and stuntman (1925-1971), US
(b. 1925)
eddie thompkins
[Edward A. ] (b Kansas City, MO, 1908; d Tennessee, April 17, 1943). American trumpeter and singer. Many sources spell his name “Tompkins.” He played with Terrence Holder, the bandleader Eli Rice, Jesse Stone, and the clarinetist Grant Moore befo
(b. 1908)
gerry thompkins
Canadian football player (born c. 1937), US
(b. 1937)
kenbrell thompkins
American football wide receiver, US
(b. 1988)
trey thompkins
American basketball player, US
(b. 1990)
russell thompkins, jr.
American singer, US
(b. 1951)
kenny thompkins
American artist, US
(b. 1964)
ronnie thompkins
American basketball player (1967-2003), US
(b. 1967)
gary thompkins
college basketball player (1985–1988) Iowa State
cedric thompkins
college basketball player (2001–2004) Sacramento State
gwen thompkins