isabelle rondeau
19 Oct 1670 Québec - 8 Nov 1746 Ile d'Orléans, Québec
(b. 1670)
josé rondeau
Argentine politician and general (1773-1844), AR
(b. 1773)
juan bautista rondeau
(b. 1735)
charles rondeau
French playwright, FR
(b. 1750)
philippe joachim ferdinand rondeau
(b. 1748)
léon-frédéric rondeau
French politician, FR
(b. 1793)
thérèse rondeau
1793-1866; Franz. Nonne, Gründerin des Ordens "Notre Dame de la Misericorde de Laval"
(b. 1793)
henri rondeau
American baseball player, US
(b. 1887)
gaëtan rondeau
French politician (1873-1971), FR
(b. 1873)
noah john rondeau
American hermit
(b. 1883)
daniel rondeau
French diplomat and writer, FR
(b. 1948)
ann e. rondeau
United States Navy admiral, US
(b. 1951)
silas rondeau
Brazilian politician, BR
(b. 1952)
gérard rondeau
French photographer, FR
(b. 1953)
romain rondeau
French actor, FR
(b. 1953)