ollivier chereau
French writer, FR
(b. 1600)
blaise-joseph ollivier
French engineer (1701-1746), FR
(b. 1701)
faronne ollivier
French painter (1716–after 1762), FR
(b. 1730)
michel-barthélémy ollivier
French painter (1712-1784), FR
(b. 1712)
augustin-charles-alexandre ollivier
French politician and private banker, FR
(b. 1772)
joseph-louis ollivier
French 18th-century naval engineer, FR
(b. 1729)
charles-prosper ollivier
French neurologist (1796-1845), FR
(b. 1796)
jean philippe augustin ollivier
(b. 1739)
démosthène ollivier
French politician, FR
(b. 1799)
louis ollivier
(b. 1741)
françois antoine joseph ollivier
French politician and magistrate (1762-1839), FR
(b. 1762)
john ollivier
New Zealand politician (1812-1893), NZ
(b. 1812)
louis-françois ollivier
navy officer (1770-1820)
(b. 1770)
émile ollivier
French statesman (1825-1913), FR
(b. 1825)
alexandre françois ollivier
French military physician, FR
(b. 1790)