bonaparte ghislieri
Italian Blessed, IT
(b. 1235)
letizia bonaparte
mother of Napoleon, FR
(b. 1750)
napoleón bonaparte
French general; president of the National Constituent Assembly in 1791, FR
(b. 1760)
joseph bonaparte
elder brother of Napoleon Bonaparte (1768-1844), FR
(b. 1768)
napoléon bonaparte
French military leader, French Emperor 1804–1814 and again in 1815, FR
(b. 1769)
lucien bonaparte
1st Prince of Canino and Musignano, FR
(b. 1775)
élisa bonaparte
French princess, FR
(b. 1777)
louis bonaparte
King of Holland, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, member of the House of Buonaparte (1778-1846), FR
(b. 1778)
pauline bonaparte
French princess, FR
(b. 1780)
caroline bonaparte
Queen of Naples and Sicily (1782-1839), FR
(b. 1782)
jérôme bonaparte
Napoleon I's brother (1784-1860), FR
(b. 1784)
charlotte bonaparte gabrielli
Princess of France, FR
(b. 1795)
zénaïde bonaparte
French noble (1801-1854), FR
(b. 1801)
napoléon louis charles bonaparte
Prince of France, FR
(b. 1802)
charlotte bonaparte
Princess of France (1802-1839), FR
(b. 1802)