Names distinctive to Azerbaijan

The list of names unique to the Republic of Azerbaijan*

Female forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank

Male forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Серик 27% 1.
2. Кайрат 28% 3.
3. Нурлан 23% 2.
4. Талгат 26% 4.
5. Канат 26% 5.
6. Болат 26% 6.
7. Ержан 29% 9.
8. Ерлан 24% 7.
9. Аскар 25% 8.
10. Бауржан 34% 11.
11. Берик 27% 10.
12. Амангельды 29% 12.
13. Ермек 26% 13.
14. Ербол 24% 14.
15. Нуржан 22% 15.
16. Самат 21% 16.
17. Мухтар 25% 19.
18. Бауыржан 20% 17.
19. Данияр 20% 18.
20. Ерболат 27% 22.
21. Куаныш 22% 21.
22. Асхат 21% 20.
23. Бахтияр 24% 23.
24. Сакен 25% 24.
25. Женис 30% 28.


NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Оглы 23% 1.
2. Оспанов 20% 2.
3. Сулейменов 21% 3.
4. Смагулов 24% 5.
5. Калиев 21% 4.
6. Мукашев 30% 6.
7. Сарсенбаев 33% 8.
8. Абишев 27% 7.
9. Сыздыков 26% 9.
10. Кусаинов 21% 10.
11. Махамбетов 35% 16.
12. Серикбаев 27% 11.
13. Жакупов 23% 13.
14. Рахметов 24% 14.
15. Касенов 20% 11.
16. Нурмагамбетов 34% 22.
17. Курмангалиев 29% 21.
18. Нуржанов 25% 17.
19. Муканов 21% 15.
20. Утегенов 24% 17.
21. Хасенов 22% 19.
22. Рахимжанов 26% 23.
23. Тулегенов 20% 19.
24. Байжанов 29% 24.
25. Сарсембаев 30% 25.

Distinctive names in
the related** countries

Tajikistan 11%
Turkmenistan 10%
Kyrgyzstan 8%
United Arab Emirates (the) 7%
Moldova (the Republic of) 6%
Afghanistan 6%
Luxembourg 5%
Australia 5%

*The rank of the unique name is the geometric average of the name uniqueness and the name prevalence in the respective country. Name uniqueness is measured only by the exact grapheme form (not taking into account transliterational equivalents or phonetic similarities).

** Country similarity is the correlation of the relative frequency of the names shared by two countries (as measured by cosine similarity).