marques de monte leone
1716 - 1718
(b. 1716)
thomas marques
American Presbyterian minister
(b. 1753)
josephus marques da silva
(b. 1745)
joaquím marques
(b. 1755)
leonardo ferreira marques
Brazilian politician, BR
(b. 1817)
josé antónio marques
Founder of the Portuguese Red Cross, PT
(b. 1822)
joaquim roberto de azevedo marques
Brazilian journalist, BR
(b. 1824)
luís bartolomeu marques
Brazilian politician, BR
(b. 1784)
antônio mariano de azevedo marques
Brazilian journalist, BR
(b. 1797)
joaquim marques batista de leão
Brazilian admiral, former Minister of the Navy of Brazil, BR
(b. 1847)
josé maria marques
colonial governor of Portuguese Timor, PT
(b. 1800)
jesuína marques
Portuguese actress (1850-1911), PT
(b. 1850)
xavier marques
Brazilian poet and journalist, BR
(b. 1861)
manuel eufrásio de azevedo marques
Brazilian historian and geographer (1825-1878), BR
(b. 1825)
césar augusto marques
Brazilian teacher and writer, BR
(b. 1826)