Names distinctive to Puerto Rico

The list of names unique to Puerto Rico*

Female forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Ivelisse 44% 1.
2. Keishla 81% 6.
3. Omayra 51% 5.
4. Glorimar 82% 8.
5. Awilda 35% 4.
6. Yaritza 26% 3.
7. Migdalia 21% 2.
8. Yashira 75% 12.
9. Vilmarie 82% 15.
10. Wilmarie 64% 14.
11. Francheska 43% 10.
12. Aixa 42% 9.
13. Amarilys 64% 16.
14. Zuleyka 48% 13.
15. Griselle 61% 18.
16. Betzaida 36% 11.
17. Nitza 52% 17.
18. Lymari 88% 24.
19. Coralys 94% 25.
20. Waleska 21% 7.
21. Yarelis 45% 19.
22. Katiria 69% 26.
23. Bethzaida 48% 21.
24. Yelitza 33% 20.
25. Linnette 34% 23.

Male forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Josean 49% 1.


NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Colon 27% 1.
2. Negron 31% 3.
3. Pagan 28% 2.
4. Irizarry 36% 4.
5. Alicea 35% 5.
6. Cintron 35% 6.
7. Ocasio 36% 7.
8. Carrasquillo 37% 8.
9. Lebron 21% 9.
10. Cotto 29% 10.
11. Rodz 71% 13.
12. Resto 42% 12.
13. Fontanez 34% 14.
14. Merced 21% 11.
15. Laboy 28% 15.
16. Cancel 24% 16.
17. Oliveras 24% 17.
18. Arocho 34% 18.
19. Gerena 21% 19.
20. Maysonet 38% 22.
21. Orengo 28% 21.
22. Jusino 33% 23.
23. Esquilin 38% 24.
24. Mangual 23% 20.

Distinctive names in
the related** countries

Panama 48%
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 46%
Dominican Republic (the) 46%
Colombia 40%
Nicaragua 40%
Uruguay 39%
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 39%
Mexico 38%
Peru 38%

*The rank of the unique name is the geometric average of the name uniqueness and the name prevalence in the respective country. Name uniqueness is measured only by the exact grapheme form (not taking into account transliterational equivalents or phonetic similarities).

** Country similarity is the correlation of the relative frequency of the names shared by two countries (as measured by cosine similarity).