أبو العباس أحمد المستعين بالله
Abbasid Caliph, IQ
(b. 836)
محمد المعتز بالله
Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad from 866 to 869, IQ
(b. 847)
أحمد المعتضد بالله
16th Abbasid Caliph from 892 to 902, IQ
(b. 854)
أبو أحمد علي المكتفي بالله
The seventeenth Abbasid Caliph, IQ
(b. 875)
جعفر المقتدر بالله
The eighteenth Abbasid Caliph, IQ
(b. 895)
القاهر بالله
The nineteenth Abbasid Caliph, IQ
(b. 899)
محمد الراضي بالله
The twentieth Abbasid Caliph, IQ
(b. 909)
أبو العباس أحمد القادر بالله
Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad, IQ
(b. 947)
عبد الله المستكفي بالله
The twenty-second Abbasid caliph, IQ
(b. 905)
ابو الولید ھشام المؤيد بالله
ruler of Córdoba (r. 976–1009) (1010–1013), ES
(b. 965)
المستعلي بالله
Fatimid caliph and imam (1074–1101), EG
(b. 1076)
المسترشد بالله
Abbasid caliph in Baghdad (r. 1118–1135), IR
(b. 1092)
أحمد المستظهر بالله
Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad (r. 1094–1118), IQ
(b. 1078)
منصور الراشد بالله
Abbasid caliph in Baghdad (r. 1135–1136), IQ
(b. 1109)
يوسف المستنجد بالله
the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad from 1160 to 1170, IQ
(b. 1124)