sigríður jakobsdóttir
(b. 1893)
hulda dóra jakobsdóttir
politician (1911-1998)
(b. 1911)
katrín jakobsdóttir
28th Prime Minister of Iceland, IS
(b. 1976)
svava jakobsdóttir
Icelandic author and feminist politician (1930-2004), IS
(b. 1930)
jakobína jakobsdóttir
Icelandic alpine skier, IS
(b. 1932)
hildur kristín jakobsdóttir
Icelandic teacher, IS
(b. 1935)
soffía jakobsdóttir
Icelandic actor, IS
(b. 1939)
ingibjörg jakobsdóttir
Icelandic basketball player, IS
(b. 1990)
svanhildur jakobsdóttir
Icelandic singer, IS
(b. 1940)
jakobína valdís jakobsdóttir
(b. 1932)
kristín mjöll jakobsdóttir
Icelandic musician, IS
(b. 1965)
sigrún björk jakobsdóttir
(b. 1966)
klara b jakobsdóttir
researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-4820-1050)
maría sól jakobsdóttir
Icelandic association football player, IS
(b. 1999)