alexandru grama
Romanian journalist, RO
(b. 1850)
sátiro de araújo grama
person identified in the Museu da Pessoa collection, BR
(b. 1922)
mihail grama
Romanian politician, RO
(b. 1924)
dimitrie grama
Swedish sprinter, SE
(b. 1947)
horia grama
Romanian politician, RO
(b. 1962)
josé renato gabaldo de oliveira grama
person identified in the Museu da Pessoa collection, BR
(b. 1963)
octavian grama
Moldovan politician, MD
(b. 1971)
steliana grama
Moldavian poet, MD
(b. 1974)
ileana grama
researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1527-6267)
lino grama
Ph.D. Universidade Estadual de Campinas 2011
jay grama
ciprian marius grama
Romanian politician from Jariștea, Vrancea County, RO
alina grama
silvia grama
ananth y. grama
Ph.D. University of Minnesota-Minneapolis 1996