sempronius gracchus
Roman nobleman
(b. 1)
c.sempronius ti.f.p.n. gracchus
ancient Roman politician, IT
(b. 154)
ti.sempronius ti.f. p.n. gracchus
ancient Rome politician, IT
(b. 162)
sempronius gracchus
a son of Tiberius Gracchus
(b. 132)
ti.sempronius gracchus
son of Tiberius Gracchus
(b. 142)
sempronius gracchus
son of Tiberius Gracchus
(b. 200)
sempronius gracchus
son of Gaius Gracchus
(b. 200)
ti.sempronius ti.f.c.n. gracchus
Roman consul 238 BC
(b. 201)
ti.sempronius p.f.ti.n. gracchus
Roman consul 177 BC
(b. 220)
ti.sempronius ti.f.ti.n. gracchus
Roman consul
(b. 300)
p.sempronius gracchus
tribune of the plebs 189 BC
(b. 300)
ti.sempronius gracchus
augur in 203 BC
(b. 300)
arrius maecius gracchus
Roman officer from the end of the 4th century
gracchus montégut
French political activist
lucius sempronius gracchus
suffect consul in 167