رکنالدوله دیلمی
10th century Buyid Amir of northern and central Iran, IR
(b. 898)
معزالدوله دیلمی
Buwayhid emir of Iraq, IR
(b. 932)
بهاءالدوله دیلمی
Buyid amir (971-1012), IR
(b. 971)
مجدالدوله دیلمی
Buyid Emir, IR
(b. 993)
سلطانالدوله دیلمی
Buyid amir of Fars Province, IR
(b. 993)
شمسالدوله دیلمی
Buyid ruler of Hamadan, IR
(b. 997)
شارزما دیلمی
Iranian narrator, IR
(b. 1079)
مالک دیلمی
Iranian calligrapher, IR
(b. 1518)
کاوه ستوده دیلمی
Surgeon, IR
(b. 1960)
کاوه دیلمی
Iranian singer, IR
(b. 1940)
مهیار دیلمی
Persian poet, IR
عبدالرشید دیلمی
Iranian calligrapher, IR
سماء الدوله دیلمی
The Buyid ruler of Hamadan, IR