gerritje pfann
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1894)
gerritje oppedijk
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1894)
gerritje meldau
German chemist and feminist, DE
(b. 1899)
gerritje van wijngaarden
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1899)
gerritje schoone
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1900)
gerritje van de kamp
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1902)
gerritje visser
(b. 1898)
gerritje van rotterdam
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1909)
gerritje flier
(b. 1899)
gerritje geradts
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1910)
gerritje kooistra
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1911)
gerritje leurink
(b. 1903)
gerritje van der vegte
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1917)
gerritje alberts
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1926)
gerritje breyer
Dutch Righteous Among the Nations, NL
(b. 1932)