يوأنس الاولانى
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
(b. 450)
يوأنس السبعتاشر
Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria, Egypt, EG
(b. 1650)
يوأنس التسعتاشر
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
(b. 1855)
يوأنس التانى
Egyptian saint and archbishop, EG
يوأنس الاربعتاشر
96th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
يوأنس الحداشر
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
يوأنس الخمستاشر
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
يوأنس الستاشر
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
يوأنس التالت
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
يوأنس الاتناشر
Head of the Coptic Church from 1480 to 1483, EG
يوأنس السابع
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
يوأنس التمنتاشر
Coptic Pope, EG
يوأنس التلاتاشر
94th Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, EG
يوأنس التامن
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG
يوأنس التاسع
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, EG