انوشیروان بن خالد بن محمد کاشانی
Persian statesman, IR
(b. 1060)
انوشیروان سپهبدی
Iranian politician and diplomat, IR
(b. 1888)
انوشیروان روحانی
Iranian Accordion, pianist and songwriter, IR
(b. 1939)
انوشیروان ارجمند
Iranian actor, IR
(b. 1941)
انوشیروان محسنی بندپی
Iranian politician, IR
(b. 1956)
انوشیروان پویان
Iranian politician and physician, IR
(b. 1929)
انوشیروان نوریان
Iranian sportsperson, IR
(b. 1972)
انوشیروان احتشامی
political scientist, IR