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✔ Countries where your name is common, frequency and prevalence.
Transliterations, variants and translations of your name.
✔ Famous people with the same name as yours with links to sources.
The surname "Trump" has intrigued researchers and historians alike, given its strong ties to German heritage and its rise to …
In the complex world of sanctions enforcement, where the stakes are high and the challenges are intricate, a subtle yet …
Professor Hiroshi Yoshida of Tohoku University has unveiled a startling projection: within 500 years, every citizen of Japan could share …
Order Jesus fish t-shirt with your favourite biblical name in 100+ languages now!
Our second book of proper names is in preparation and will soon be available in print
Explore biblical names in 100+ languages with references and world distribution
We are announcing the publishing of the first in a series of books of proper names.
Check out our platform for scientists’ and users' onomastics articles and contribute!
We are offering a wide range of name-understanding B2B products and solutions
Try our AI Wordcloud and design your
Mondonomo in languages and Design
of your choice!
Fully customizable, perfect for social
networks or print
If a name is not proper, language is not in accordance with the truth of
If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success.
When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish.
孔夫子 (Confucius), The